The Simmiltec way, Accurate modelling with low cost and reliblity.
Simmiltec is just emerging into the world but has been in development for many years now, getting its core products ready from the physical look of the panels to the software.
We didn’t want things to look to new and that’s why we decided on casting old aircraft parts so the vintage look was transferred into our products and gave more of a real world feel over a mass produced piece of plastic, our instrument panels can be made to suit all budgets and also you can buy them a piece at time so anyone with the dream of having a sim can, you can buy one of our controll cards and make your own parts.
Chris builds the physical elements of our systems.
Chris background is in construction and property, but he has been building sims for a hobby for many years, his partner convinced him to use his skills he had gained to develop a business and she bought him his first CNC machine, over the years he developed the standard panel concept of one instrument panel using one control board and with Richard help they have achieve this.
Chris has been a volunteer at the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum at Manston for fifteen years and that’s where he decided to model WW2 Warbirds, mainly the Spitfire as he had unprecedented access to the real thing, he has also developed the Hurricane, Lancaster bomber, Mosquito, and most British aircraft up until the late 50s.
His own sim interest are mainly helicopters and his current sim is a UH1 Huey but he is currently working on the designs for a full size Apache attack helicopter with gunner and pilot positions with 100% functionality.
Richard creates and develops our software.
Richard studied engineering at Cambridge University and went on to produce software for the likes of Shell, Conoco, Bechtel, Rank Xerox, Deutsche Bank and the world of F1.
Sims were not really on his radar until he met chris but he revels in a new technical challenges and learning curve and within 2 months he had produced the code needed to run the core of our system, now he has been hook he is looking at the broader aspect of simulator interface and where we can make improvements of components available and make everyone’s sim building experience easier on the pocket and mind.