MK1 Pricing
The Mk1 is avalible in early and late varations.
The early varations has twin fuel gauge, amp meter, an extra brake and flap idicator gauge and extra switch.
The standard prices are:
Aluminum £3250.00 Early version
Acrylic £2500.00 Early Version
Aluminum £2500.00 Late version
Acrylic £2000.00 Late Version
You have some extra options:
Option 1 Type of Blind panel, 1st 2nd gen, no extra cost
Option 2 Type of airframe, Creative, SpiKit or custome, no extra cost
Option 3 Floodlight control (FLOODLIGHT OPTIONS)
* none, no extra cost
* standard led, £150.00
* Reproductions spotlamps, £350.00
If you do not want the twin fuel gauge, price decreases by £150.00
You can also choose between gun sight sockets 2 or 3 pin versions.
Contact us for more details and how to order